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MISU Complaints Procedure

Please note that this procedure relates to MISU, for MIC's Complaints by a Student procedure click here. For any student who wishes to make a complaint under MIC's procedure,  you can contact MISU for support and advice. 

As the representative body of the students of MIC, Mary I Students’ Union (MISU) is here to represent, advocate for and support you in your college experiences.

We are committed to ensuring that our supports, services, communications, and our general dealings are of the highest possible standard.

Where the need arises for you to make a complaint, we aim to make this easy for you to do. We listen to your complaints; we treat them seriously; we deal with them in a fair and transparent way, and we respond to them in a timely manner.

We will monitor complaints at meetings of the MISU Management Advisory Board and where required we will look at making any necessary changes to our services, operations, and supports.

MISU values all feedback from those who engage with us, and we would also like to hear from you about what you think we do well. If you do not have a complaint but would like to give us feedback, please complete our feedback form.

What to do if you have a Complaint?

If you have a complaint, you can raise it either informally or formally.

Informal Complaint

MISU aims to resolve informal complaints at the earliest opportunity. If you have an informal complaint, you can contact us by phone or in person. You can also complete the online complaint form and your complaint will be directed to the relevant personnel for follow-up. Please ensure you leave your contact details so we can get back to you.

Depending on what your complaint relates to, the following is who you can contact:

Formal Complaint

If the complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved at the informal stage or if the nature of the complaint is more serious, then a complaint can be lodged with us through the online complaint form or by e-mail.

A formal complaint must include the:

  • Name and contact details of the complainant
  • Details of the complaint along with date/s and any supporting documentation

A formal complaint will be dealt with by either the MISU President (Representation & Advocacy services) or the General Manager (MISU Services, Communications, Operations or Clubs & Societies).

Where a complaint relates to an elected MISU official or MISU elections, the MISU Disciplinary Procedures should be followed.

What Happens Next?

If your complaint was in-person or over the phone, then we will try to resolve the issue there and then. If we cannot, we will give you a timeframe in which we will be back to you.

If your complaint was by email or through our online complaint form, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 7 days, and where it was an informal complaint, we will aim to resolve your complaint within this time frame.

For a formal complaint, we will aim to resolve it within 21 days. If this is not possible, we will outline the reasons why and will give you a new deadline.

What happens if the complaint is not resolved?

If you are not happy with our response, you may get in touch again by writing to the MISU General Manager.

If you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you can contact the Chair of the MISU Management Advisory Board who will ensure that your complaint is considered by the Board. S/he will respond within two weeks of the date of consideration by Board members.

Acting on Results

We aim to resolve all complaints to a satisfactory outcome and where required, we will review and update our procedures and/or our services.



Access Your Results

QCA Info

Feedback on Assessments



Progression Policy

Annual Repeats


Spring Semester Results will be available on Thursday, 20th June at 4pm.*

*Note that the servers get extrenely busy on the release of results, please be patient as it may take some time to view them. If there are any serious issues with the server, these will be communicated to you.


How do I access my results?

Spring Semester examination results will be released online on  Thursday 20 June at 10am.

All undergraduate full-time students, PME students, LINC and taught postgraduate students can access their results by logging into https://register.mic.ul.ie/">Register.mic.ul.ie, using their Username (MIC Email address) and Network Logon Password, and clicking on the 'Results' tab on the Homepage screen.

  • We strongly urge you to check that your network logon password is working correctly in advance of release of results to avoid undue delay in accessing your results.
  • If you do not see your current results when you log in, it may be because you have an outstanding fees balance. Please log into https://register.mic.ul.ie/">Register.mic.ul.ie  to view your balance and make any outstanding payments. Once your account is at a 0 (zero) balance, your results will be released for the next business day.

Please note: Under no circumstances can results be given over the phone or email as the College is obliged to protect the confidentiality of results under the Data Protection Acts.

Please note: If you are a 3rd or 4th year Structured PhD student you will need to contact SAA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." style="box-sizing: border-box; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 49, 141); text-decoration: none; font-weight: 700;">(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for assistance to access your results.

 QCA Info

When your grades are added together at the end of a semester, your overall results are given to you in numerical form.

­Ultimately, this number will decide what level of degree you graduate with. It’s measured out of 4.00 so the closer you get to that figure the better.

­Some of your grades are ‘double weighted’ which means they’re worth twice as much so they have a bigger impact on your QCA. 

We encourage you to refer to the MIC Student Handbook in the first instance with any queries around grades/QCA.

Click Here to view the MIC Student Handbook

Information on Grades and QCA can be found between pages 11 to 20.

Feedback on Assessments:

Feedback on Assessments / Viewing Assignments & Scripts:

Information for students on how to access and view feedback on their assignments, can be found on Feedback on Assessments / Script Viewing section of the Student Portal.


The Grade Recheck application window opens following the release of exam results.

Further information, including how to apply and costs, can be found on the Grade Recheck section of the Student Portal. 


The Grade Appeal application window opens once the Grade Recheck window closes.

You must have submitted a Grade Recheck application to be eligible to submit a Grade Appeal application. Grade Appeal applications must be submitted within two weeks of the publication of the grade recheck result.

Further information,  including how to apply and costs, can be found on the Grade Appeal section of the Student Portal. 

Progression Policy:

A cumulative QCA of 2.00 with no deficient grades (i.e. 'F', 'NG', 'I') is the minimum standard for progression to the next year of your course.

All grades taken in the annual repeats will be capped at C3. The higher of the original or the repeat grade will be awarded in all cases. In cases where students received an I-Grade during semester examinations, these I-Grade modules are not capped at the annual repeats.

Students who do not attain the minimum QCA at the end of the year will on the recommendation of the relevant examination board:

  1. Repeat the year, or
  2. Repeat a full semester, or
  3. Repeat a maximum of two modules in any one semester on a link-in basis. In such an instance, grades are uncapped, or
  4. Enrolment is terminated.


Annual Repeats:

Annual Repeats Registration will open after the release of the Spring Semester exam results.

What is an Annual Repeat?

Annual Repeat exams are an opportunity for students who have deficient grades in the Autumn or Spring Semester to repeat their exams in August to improve their grades, with repeat exams being capped at C3. These students will have received an Action Report indicating that they have the option to sit Annual Repeats.

I received an Action Report - what should I do next?

If you receive an Action Report and are unsure of what your options are, you should contact your Faculty Office (Arts Office / Education Office / MIC Thurles Office) to discuss your options with them. We strongly recommend students do this before registering for Annual Repeat exams.   

Please read your Action Report carefully as it contains important information regarding your progression

More information on Annual Repeats can be found here. 



This referendum includes three different amendments that need to be voted on.

To amend Article 9. Executive Committee of the MISU Constitution

Current:                                                         Proposed: (Click the individual roles to view in detail)

President                                                                         President

Vice-President/ Academic Officer                                    Vice-President/ Academic Officer

Welfare and Equality Officer                                            Post-graduate Officer (Update to Officership Role)

Entertainments Officer                                                     Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer (New Role)

Societies Officer                                                               Welfare Officer (Update to Officership Role)

Clubs and Sports Officer                                                 Irish Language Officer (New Role)

Culture and Irish Officer                                                  Thurles Officer (Update to Officership Title)

Post-graduate Officer                                                     Student Activities Officer (Limerick) (New Role)

Thurles College Officer                                                  Student Activities Officer (Thurles) (New Role)

Union Council Chair (ex-officio)                                     Union Council Chair (ex-officio)

To amend the wording of Article 11.3.1 of the MISU Constitution

Current Wording:             11.3.1 Nominations shall close at 5:00 pm four college days before the date of the elections

Proposed Wording:          11.3.1 Nominations shall close at 2:00 pm four college days before the date of the elections

To amend the wording of Article 11.3.2 of the MISU Constitution

Current Wording:             11.3.2: If there are no nominations for a position/s on the Executive Committee at the close of nominations, the Returning Officer shall reopen nominations for that position/s to close at 5:00 pm two days before the date of the election

Proposed Wording:          11.3.2: If there are no nominations for a position/s on the Executive Committee at the close of nominations, the Returning Officer shall reopen nominations for that position/s to close at 2:00 pm two days before the date of the elect 

If you need to use Public Transport as a means of getting to MIC Limerick or Thurles, you can find everything you need to know on this page.


How can MIC Limerick & Thurles be accessed?

Both campuses are in central locations and have both train stations and bus stops in the vicinity of the campus.


Is there anything I need to know about using Public Transport?

We encourage students to utilise their STUDENT ID cards as a means of availing themselves of student discounts. You should also get a LEAP CARD.

Click here to find out how you can get a Leap Card.

Please note: If you are to opt-in for a Student Leap Card - you will need to get the form validated at UL Student Life.


regional limerick routes     pt to limerick city   bus routes limerick city    thurles transport




📺 What is a Referendum? ❓❓


A referendum of the members of MISU is the supreme authority on all matters relating to the governance of MISU.

If any proposed changes are made to the Constitution of MISU, they must be put to a referendum by the MIC Student Body.

All proposed amendments can be found here ➡ http://www.misu.ie/index.php/referendum