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If you want to know more about what we do in Mary I Students' Union and how you can get involved, watch this video!

See how MISU represented its' students in the Academic Year 2018/19 in the following video:

Watch here!

In case you missed it, our societies celebrated two awards at the BICS (Board of Irish College Societies) Awards 2018. MIDAS scooped Best Society in a Cultural/Academic Field and MIDANCE walked away with Best New Society. We can now proudly boast having 2 of the best societies in Ireland!


Click here to read an article published by the Limerick Post describing winners from Limerick universities!

Your Executive Officers have worked alongside the Sabbatical Officers throughout the year with MISU events, campaigns, meetings and much more! To read their full report, click on each officership below!

Last Thursday, the Award for Excellence evening was held on campus, recognising the achievements of 7 bursary winners and 3 Highly commended students. Also celebrated were the societies MIDAS and MIDANCE, for their recent wins at the National Board of Irish College Societies (BICS). The full press release and photos can be read here.