The following referendum was called on Thursday 1st of February 2018. It was called by the MISU Executive Team and approved by Union Council. The Referendum concerns MISU Constitutional changes with proposed additions and amendments that will improve how we run and improve your college experience. As the MISU Constitution is a set of rules made by the students of Mary I that tells MISU how to do its job, we need your permission to change them!
Voting takes place Thursday February 15th between 8.30am and 6.30pm on the Limerick campus and 10am to 11am on the Thurles campus.
The proposed additions and amendments to the MISU Constitution can be viewed here. (The highlighted sections are the changes to the existing constitution).
Some of the major changes proposed have been highlighted in the following posters. Click on the section to view the posters.
Thurles Campus Class Rep Committee