** MISU Returning Officer Investigation Report **
EDIT: The Returning Officer circulated his findings to both Mr. Hedigan and the 13 students who lodged complaints at 9am on Wednesday 4th April. All were advised that the Returning Officer’s ruling was subject to appeal as per article 11.8.2 of the MISU Constitution.
Appeals had to be lodged by 5pm on Friday 6th April 2018.
On Friday April 6th, Mr. Hedigan informed the Returning Officer that he was accepting the recommendations and he opted to step down as MISU President-Elect and re-run for the MISU Presidential Election under the provisos which the Retuning Officer had specified. Mr Hedigan did not challenge any aspect of the report or the sanctions which the Returning Officer had specified.
By 5pm on Friday 6th April, the Returning Officer’s recommendations were not appealed.
The Returning Officer's report can be read here.