The Constitution of MISU is a binding document passed by referendum of the students of MIC and it outlines the functions and objectives of the Students' Union. It indicates how goals should be achieved and how the Union is governed.
The current constitution was approved by referendum on 21-02-2023 to amend Articles 9 and 10 to introduce a 3rd Sabbatical Officership; Vice-President Student Experience & Wellbeing to the MISU Executive Committee. Article 18. Finance was also ameneded to include regulations for financial management & procedures and Article 19. was amended to change MISU Advisory Committee to MISU Management Advisory Board.
The Schedules of the Constitution are as follows:
Schedule 1 - Sub-Committees of Union Council (Approved by UC - 02.10.2024)
Schedule 2 - Referendum & Results incl. Amendments to the Constitution
Schedule 3 - Appendix 1: MISU Disciplinary Procedure (Approved by UC - 01.02.2023)
Appendix 2: MISU Election Regulations (Approved by UC - 16.11.2022)
Appendix 3: MISU Clubs & Societies Regulations Document (Approved by UC - 07.11.2018)
Schedule 4 - Affiliations (Approved by UC - 10.10.2018)
Schedule 5 - Committees of the MISU Executive Committee (Approved by UC - 12.04.2023)
Schedule 6 - Appendix 1: MISU Management Advisory Board Terms of Reference (Version 6 approved by UC 08.11.2023)
Appendix 2: Schedule of Matters for the Board (Version 1 approved by UC - 01.02.2023)
Schedule 7 - MISU Elections, By-Elections and Referenda
Schedule 8 - Minimum Standards for Representation & Leadership (Approved by UC - 01.02.2023)