Well, Kit? Wednesdays
Contact your Sabbats
Information Station 

Here you will find information on:


Academic Supports and Advice

MISU Supports    ALC Academic Life Graphic   Supports & Advice


You can email Jimmy (MISU Vice-President Academic) for support with academic life queries or concerns you may have. Contact Jimmy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


College Life Supports and Advice


Accommodation NEW     Budgeting  Social Responsibility


You can email Aisling (MISU President) for support with college life queries or concerns you may have. Contact Aisling on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Health and Wellbeing Supports and Advice

 MISU Supports      Counselling Limerick    Medical Centre Limerick       Healthy Campus   

Wellbeing             Sexual Health             Personal Safety        SVH


You can email Jayde (MISU Vice-President Student Experience and Wellbeing) for support with wellbeing queries or concerns you may have. Contact Jayde at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Your Welfare, Supports and Advice



Sexually Transmitted Infections

Useful Websites

Unplanned and Crisis Pregnancy

MISU Services

MIC Designated Liaison Person



Sex might be a two way operation but it really calls for each individual to make their own decisions before getting under the covers. No one can tell you what to do; you are the only one that can decide what is right for you. Whatever you decide, stick to your guns and respect the decisions others make too.

If you are having sex, be smart about it, protect yourself. You wouldn’t go out in the rain without a coat so why have sex without protection - and by the sounds of it having a head cold beats having chlamydia.

There are many forms of contraception but like any form of medical intake, everyone is different so just because your friend uses one form it doesn’t mean it will suit you.

There’s a lot of choices out there for you, just talk to your doctor about what is best for you. Information is available from the medical centre or online at www.thinkcontraception.ie 

It is important to remember that while many of the above prevent pregnancy, only condoms prevent STIs. That’s why you should always use a condom, even while using alternative forms of contraception. 

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)

Sexually Transmitted Infections are on the increase each year.  Student populations are particularly prone to STI’s.

We aren’t doctors by any means so if you even think you might have an STI then go to the doctor or to the STI Clinic (also known as GUM Clinics). The most common signs that you might have an STI are:

  • Unusual discharge from penis or vagina
  • Pain when peeing
  • Unusual sores or blisters in the genital area
  • Itching or irritation in the genital area
  • Pain during sex

Remember that some STIs show no visible symptoms.  You won’t always know if you need a check-up so you should get yourself checked regularly.

If you are sexually active and you or your partner might be having sex with someone else you should plan to have a check up every 6-12 months. If you’re going to an STI/GUM Clinic here’s a heads up on what to expect:

  • Guys - You will be asked not to urinate for at least two hours before your appointment and may have a throat swab, penis swab and anal swab. You may have a blood test also.
  • Girls - You may have a throat swab, vaginal swab and a cervical swab or a blood test.

Here are your local STI/GUM Clinics:

Don’t worry these services are free and 100% confidential.

Limerick: University Hospital, Limerick (Phone: 061-482382).
Thurles: South Tipperary General Hospital, Nenagh (Phone: 061-482382)

P.S. Embarrassment is for the embarrassed, not for the person who chooses to be smart about looking after themselves in terms of sexual activity. NEVER be embarrassed about getting checked – EVER!

At the end of the day, you have to look after yourself because no-body else will do it for ya!

Useful Websites: 

Unplanned and Crisis Pregnancy 

If you are experiencing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy, there are supports available.

myoptions blog hse website


MyOptions is a freephone helpline that provides confidential advice and support. They offer judgement-free counselling services (M-F: 9am-8pm, Sat: 10am-2pm) and medical advice 24/7.

Contact MyOptions on 1800 828 010 or via Webchat. To access the service using sign language, book an appointment through the Irish Remote Interpreting Service here.

Contact the MIC Medical Centre -  T: 061 204343 or E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact the MIC Counselling ServiceT: 061 204948 or E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Limerick) / T: 0504 32033 or E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Thurles)

Contact Jayde (MISU Vice-President Student Experience & Wellbeing) - T: 061 400013 or E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Phone/Text/Whatsapp: 086-1654726


MISU Services: 

Did you know that you can get free condoms, lubricant and pregnancy tests from MISU?

Free condoms and lubricant are available from the MISU Offices on both the Limerick and Thurles Campuses. We normally have them in packets sitting out in a little grey basket. If the basket is empty, just ask for more!

MISU operates a discreet and confidential pregnancy test delivery service that you can access when needed. Simply fill out the form and we will post a pregnancy test to you at your desired address. Tests are sent in plain An Post envelopes with only the relevant postal address noted on the front. No indication will be given to the contents of the package. Any details provided are erased from our systems immediately once packages have been dispatched. 


Website Buttons


 MIC Designated Liaison Person (DLP) for Sexual Violence or Harassment

Kathleen Maher (EDII Department) is the Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention and Response Manager in MIC and is the Designated Liaison Person for an incidence of Sexual Violence or Harassment on the MIC Limerick Campus.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence or harassment on campus, please reach out to Kathleen to report it. 

Kathleen can be contact via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Diary Page


Now that you’re in college, your lifestyle is bound to change. Of course, you have more freedom and independence now but that does not mean you can do as you please. As human beings, we are still bound by the rules and regulations of society!

Really, it’s about using common sense and thinking before acting because there’s nothing cool or fun about being arrested. If you get arrested, you could end up not being allowed to graduate which is technically what you are here for in the first place...

A criminal record can affect everything from your employment prospects, travel plans to your credit rating. 

Here are a few things you can quite easily be arrested for: 

  • Being intoxicated in a public place
  • Excessive noise
  • Unreasonable behaviour
  • Possession of illegal substances

Most importantly, if you get a criminal record you cannot be a teacher or take up other public jobs.

That’s the law bit over with but what is REALLY important to remember is that although the craic is ninety when everyone is out mid-week, there are still tons of people living in the city and surrounding areas who have a real job to get up to in the morning. To disturb them or their property is not only unacceptable on a legal level (they have every right to call the guards) but it’s not ok on a social level. College may be a laugh but remember, you are also deemed a responsible adult by society at this point so act like one.

Our neighbours here are pretty cool. You have to hand it to them, we are not mice and they are usually much more accepting of our boisterous antics than they have to be, so appreciate that.

If you are reported for unruly behaviour outside of the college grounds, it CAN still affect your degree. Fact! It is considered as bringing the college into disrepute. So the next time in the wee hours of the morning when you’re walking home (even though the SU have told you to get a taxi) and one of your buddies looks at you with that look of devilment and says “Will we…for the laugh?” … just think about it.

You can read about the Garda Campus Watch Programme HERE!


Contacts & Advice



An Garda Síochána

Henry St: 061-212 400

Roxboro: 061-214 340

Mayorstone Park: 061-456 980

Thurles: 0504 25100

Garda Confidential: 1800 666 111

Legal Aid & Advice

FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres)

T. 01 906 1010


Drugs & Alcohol Helpline T.1800 459 459

E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Citizens Information

T: 0818 07 5780 (Limerick City) or 0818 07 6510 (Thurles) or 0818 07 4000

Community Law & Mediation Limerick

T. 061 536 100

E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


T. 061-400013 E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Money. It's one of those things that just seems to disappear when you're not really paying enough attention to it and in college, it can go faster than you think after fees, rent, bills, books, food, event tickets and everything else is paid for. With some careful consideration and budgeting to get your finances in order, you could take away one less stress of attending college. This page will give you some helpful tips and tricks as well as provide important information to know for managing your money whilst at MIC.


Begin Budgeting

Grants, Assistance Funds, Scholarships & Awards

Groceries & Meal Planning

Money Saving Tips!

Gambling Awareness

Useful Apps

Get more help & advice

Severe Financial Hardship



This is the big one! You've got in to college, applied for a grant and wondering what to the next...? You're going to need a bank account! Many of the leading banks in Ireland offer some varient of a student current account with the main providers being:

AIB (Student Plus Account)

Bank of Ireland (Third Level Current Account)

Permanent TSB (Student Current Account)

Credit Union (Current Account)

Revolut (Not a bank but offers standard account)

An Post Current Account (Not a bank but offers standard account)

Remember to do your research and to read the fine print when selecting a bank account suitable for you. Some accounts can carry maintenance fees, transaction fees, quarterly fees and may be limited in terms of contactless payments or internet and phone banking. Be sure to also check for useful features such as emergency cash funds or rewards programmes and think longterm with your banking by having a look at what each provider offers in terms of Graduate Accounts for after graduation.

Avoid Overdraft! Most accounts will also offer 'X' amount as an overdraft allowance but no matter how tempting, we strongly urge you to avoid going near this. If you don't have the money now, how are you going to pay back the overdraft balance later? Spending money that isn’t yours is a really bad habit to get in to and it’s much easier in the long run to budget than overspend.

Websites such as bonkers.ie and the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) have useful comparison tools to help you find the best bank account suitable for you!



Begin Budgeting

 What even is a budget!? A budget is your plan for spending and saving. It should detail your income and expenses to help you see exactly where your money is going.


You can easily create budget spreadsheets using programmes like Microsoft Excel, Numbers on Apple devices or Mabs.ie has a helpful online budgeting tool. Some online banking apps will also feature tools for budgeting and managing your money.

You should budget your money around the times your grant comes through although you can expect delays at the best of times. If you are concerned about your grant or have any major issues please contact the MIC Grants Office by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Remember to budget for your placement! Most courses will have a placement aspect at some point and you may require materials or books for this that you weren't expecting. Listen carefully in your induction lectures for information relating to your placement so you can begin to prepare and plan well in advance. We recommend putting aside a few euro each week in the months leading up to your placement to help with any potential costs it may incur.  



Grants, Assistance Funds, Scholarships & Awards

There are a number of grants, funds, scholarships and awards available to students in Ireland which each carry their own eligibility criteria and offer a number of financial and academic supports depending on the level of study and course being undertaken (e.g. PLC, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Study Abroad). For more information and to view eligibility, please visit the sites below:

  • Free Fees Initiative - Tuition fees may be paid in respect of full-time undergraduate students undertaking approved courses in eligible institutions
  • SUSI - The main source of financial support available to students from the Irish State.
  • Fund for Students with Disabilities (FSD) - One of the main funding sources for students with disabilities undertaking further studies.
  • The Student Assistance Fund (SAF) - provides financial support in addition to a SUSI grant to full or part-time students who are experiencing financial difficulties while attending college.
  • Back to Education Allowance - is designed for anyone who is receiving a state payment and is unemployed, parenting alone or has a disability and wishing to return to education.
  • The 1916 Bursary Fund - was created to encourage participation and success by students from sections of society that are significantly under-represented in higher education.
  • MIC Scholarships & Awards - MIC also offers a number of scholarships and awards which students can apply for from Entrance Scholarships, Sports Scholarships to the President’s Scholarship Award. 
  • Other bursaries and scholarships - More information on all other bursaries and scholarships available in Ireland from the All Ireland Scholarship Scheme, The Society of St Vincent de Paul Education and Training Bursary Fund and the Irish Refugee Education Fund.

MIC Contacts:

  • Access & Disability Office - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Grants Office - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Admissions Office - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Groceries & Meal Planning

 5     6



Money Saving Tips!


Don't forget that an Síopa (Limerick Campus) and our online store (shop.misu.ie) have all your placement, stationery and MIC/MISU Merch needs covered at pocket-friendly student prices. Shop online to get your items delivered straight to your door via courier service or click & collect at the MISU Info and Services Desk! Follow shopatmisu on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with all our offers and newest products. 

Gambling Awareness:

Gambling is a game of chance where you bet money on the outcome, here are some different types of gambling;

  • Online Games
  • Lottery (National/Euromillions)
  • Scratch Cards
  • Betting (Sports/Horse-racing etc)
  • Slots/Poker

1 in 10 Male students at Third Level have a gambling problem

 Gamblers Anonymous (GA):

A support group where members discuss getting help for a gambling addiction You can attend Gambler’s Anonymous meetings which are located in several different cities and towns around Ireland Find out more about meeting times at https://www.gamblersanonymous.ie/ GA also has a mobile app listing all of their services and meeting times GA also hold meetings for family and friends of people with a gambling addiction called Gam-Anon GA and Gam-Anon meetings are free to attend

More information on gambling and supports can be found at https://www.problemgambling.ie/ 

Useful Apps

Apps can be your best friend when it comes to budgeting and are a great place to start but with so many available, it can get confusing real quick. Here are some apps that we recommend:

  • Revolut
  • Splitwise (good for any bills you need to split with housemates/roommates) 
  • Spendee
  • Plum
  • Money Lover
  • Mint
  • You Need a Budget
  • AIB Online Banking

Remember: Not all apps are free and some can have hidden charges or work as 'trials' only to begin with. Do some research and check the reviews before downloading any apps that you will be putting personal information on. Check the permissions and how they will use whatever information you put on the app and avoid using apps that are too complicated, will use large amounts of storage and data or will spam you with a lot of ads. 


Get more help & advice:

For more help and advice on budgeting, money management and all forms of grants, funds, scholarships and awards available, please visit the following links or contact via email or telephone:

SUSI  T. 0818 888 777 / E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The Higher Education Authority T. (01) 231 7100 / E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science T. (01) 889 6400 / E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Citizens Information T: 0818 07 5780 (Limerick City) or 0818 07 6510 (Thurles) or 0818 07 4000

MABS T. 0818 07 2210 (Limerick Office) or 0818 07 2740 (Thurles) / E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./ WhatsApp 086 035 3141 / Online Chat

Spunout E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Online Chat

MISU T. 061-400013 / E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Severe Financial Hardship

If you experience severe financial hardship while in college, we encourage you to make contact with:

The Sabbatical Officers in the SU (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or any other SU staff member (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The Access & Disability Office on the Limerick Campus -  T.061 204 510 / E.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Room. G01

Paula Hourigan (Senior Academic Administrator) on the Thurles Campus - T. 0504 20535 / E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Room. P122

We cannot perform miracles but it doesn’t mean we won’t try!

For many students, attending college also involves living away from home for the first time and so careful thought and decisions are needed when choosing what will be your home away from home. This page contains some tips and important information to know if you're considering renting accommodation this year. 

Where can I search for and find accommodation?

MISU's Do's and Don'ts for renting accommodation!

What information can I be asked for?

Where can I find out about my rights or get more information?

Some useful documents



Where can I search for and find accommodation?

When it comes to accommodation at MIC, there are two main choices: Purpose-Built Student Accommodation and Private Accommodation.

For more information on these choices, view the accommodation section on the MIC Website Here.

MISU also facilitates a Facebook Accommodation Group where MIC students can search for and advertise available rooms and properties. 

Students can also search for private accommodation near MIC on the Mary Immaculate College page on daft.ie or by filtering location to Limerick City, Thurles and surrounding areas on Rent.ie. Be sure to search both the 'rent' and 'share' properties. 


Avoiding Rental Scams:

 Each year, hundreds of students are targeted by false “landlords” and scammers seeking to con them out of their savings by offering accommodation units and properties, that they either purport to be renting or don’t exist.

Threshold has compiled the following Do's & Don'ts to Avoid being scammed. If you think you have been scammed, it is really important to report it to your local garda station.

1   2


What information can I be asked for?

A prospective landlord or agent can ask you to provide any of the following items when considering you as a tenant: 

  • PPS No. (this is required for the registration of the tenancy with the Residential Tenancies Board)
  • A reference from your previous landlord
  • A reference from your current employer
  • Photo I.D. such as a driving license or passport
  • Evidence of residency
  • Recent bank statements
  • Payslips

Where can I find out about my rights or get more information?

It is important to remember when renting that you are entering into a legally binding contract so knowing your rights and where you stand as a tenant is key. Students staying in student-specific accommodation are protected in residential tenancies legislation just like anyone renting privately however there are a few differences when it come to this and other types of accommodation like 'digs'. To find out more about your rights, you can contact:

Threshold T: 1800 454 454 or Online Chat (The National Housing Organisation who works to prevent homelessness and campaigns for housing as a right)

Residential Tenancies Board T: 01 702 8100 or 0818 30 30 37 (Keeps a register of tenancies. Intervenes where disputes cannot be resolved between landlord and tenant)

Citizens Information  T: 0818 07 5780 (Limerick City) or 0818 07 6510 (Thurles) or 0818 07 4000

MIC Accommodation Office T. 061 302500 E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MISU T. 061-400013  E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the event of a dispute with your landlord please let us know at the Students’ Union, by contacting Aisling Knox (MISU President) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Some useful documents:

Thresholds Top Tips before you rent

RTB's Guide to Security Deposits 

RTB's The Good Landlord Tenant Guide (A guide to the Residential Tenancies Act)

RTB's Key Rights and Obligations of Landlords and Tenants

RTB's Guide to Minimum Standards for Rented Residential Accommodation

RTB's Guide to Mediation