The MISU Executive Committee called for a Referendum to be held on Thursday, 18th November to amend articles in the MISU Constitution.
The following are the proposed amendments;
This referendum includes three different amendments that need to be voted on.
To amend Article 9. Executive Committee of the MISU Constitution
Current: Proposed: (Click the individual roles to view in detail)
President President
Vice-President/ Academic Officer Vice-President/ Academic Officer
Welfare and Equality Officer Post-graduate Officer (Update to Officership Role)
Entertainments Officer Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer (New Role)
Societies Officer Welfare Officer (Update to Officership Role)
Clubs and Sports Officer Irish Language Officer (New Role)
Culture and Irish Officer Thurles Officer (Update to Officership Title)
Post-graduate Officer Student Activities Officer (Limerick) (New Role)
Thurles College Officer Student Activities Officer (Thurles) (New Role)
Union Council Chair (ex-officio) Union Council Chair (ex-officio)
To amend the wording of Article 11.3.1 of the MISU Constitution
Current Wording: 11.3.1 Nominations shall close at 5:00 pm four college days before the date of the elections
Proposed Wording: 11.3.1 Nominations shall close at 2:00 pm four college days before the date of the elections
To amend the wording of Article 11.3.2 of the MISU Constitution
Current Wording: 11.3.2: If there are no nominations for a position/s on the Executive Committee at the close of nominations, the Returning Officer shall reopen nominations for that position/s to close at 5:00 pm two days before the date of the election
Proposed Wording: 11.3.2: If there are no nominations for a position/s on the Executive Committee at the close of nominations, the Returning Officer shall reopen nominations for that position/s to close at 2:00 pm two days before the date of the elect